NG911 NOW Coalition


Voice, video, text and data for 911
available nationwide
by the end of 2020



Voice, video, text and data for 911
available nationwide
by the end of 2020

What is the NG911 NOW Coalition?

National public safety leaders and industry have joined together to create a coalition focused on rapidly accelerating the deployment of Next Generation 911 (NG911). The NG911 NOW Coalition, whose members are working to address the funding, technical, policy and legislative challenges that have stalled more rapid NG911 implementation, is calling on government officials across the country to support the NG911 transition.

The NG911 NOW Coalition’s mission is to promote an accelerated
implementation of NG911 throughout the nation. 

The NG911 NOW Coalition is comprised of leading 911 associations in the country, i.e., the National Emergency Number Association (NENA), the National Association of State 911 Administrators (NASNA), and the Industry Council for Emergency Response Technologies (iCERT), and is working in cooperation with the NG9-1-1 Institute and experts in government and academia.

Our Goal

By the end of the year 2020, all 911 systems and centers in all 56 states and territories will have sufficiently funded, standards-based, end-to-end, IP-based 911 capabilities, and will have retired legacy 911 systems, without any degradation in service to the public.


Why It Matters

Why It Matters

Why Does Accelerating NG911 Matter?

Accelerated implementation of NG911 service across the U.S. will provide significant benefits and improved emergency services for the public, 911 professionals, and first responders. Accelerated implementation of NG911 will:

  • Enhance flexibility, resiliency, and survivability of 911 systems
  • Conform with modern communication trends
  • Increase data sharing – from the 911 caller all the way to the responder
  • Increase accessibility for those with limited ability to communicate via voice
  • Improve public safety communications interoperability among jurisdictions
  • Improve emergency responder interoperability
  • Reduce cyber vulnerabilities in 9-1-1 systems
  • Align with the telecommunications infrastructure transition
  • Encourage more efficient use of 9-1-1 funds


A failure to act in a timely and effective manner would result in a number of negative consequences. Inaction would:

  • Prolong nationwide NG911 implementation
  • Result in “patchwork” implementation with limited interoperability
  • Rresult in missed opportunities for improved emergency response
  • Put the lives of first responders at risk
  • Underserve a significant portion of the population
  • Undermine public trust in the 9-1-1 system
  • Create technological obsolescence
  • Increase the costs of operating 9-1-1 systems
  • Risk cyber vulnerability increases and reduces reliability

Members & Partners

Members & Partners

Our Members

Our Partners


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The Latest updates, official statements, and NG911 success stories.


The Latest updates, official statements, and NG911 success stories.

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For information about the Coalition, press inquiries, membership and more.

Contact Us

For information about the Coalition, press inquiries, membership and more.